Curve Boost
Next up are curve boosts. This is a tech that is only useful when your current speed is rather low. E.g. the first or second jump in Lucio Surf. A curve boost allows you to gain speeds over 2.5 m/s from a wall jump by abusing how Overwatch keeps you on a wall and can only by performed at some rounded walls.
To correctly do a curve boost you have to find a wall that's curve boostable. Anything that is not a perfect corner might work. Extra points if it's also not vertically consistent. After that you wallride the wall until you have just started your turn and then release your wallride and do a walljump. If executed correctly you will gain more than 2.5 m/s from m the jump.
Pros and Cons
If you want to squeeze that extra bit of speed out of your jumps or that save that little bit of time in your surf run curve boosts provide an excellent way to do so. However, they are very situational and the ones that gives bigger speed gains are often the hardest to execute. A good rule of thumb is: The smaller the corners radius, the bigger and harder the boost.