Corner Climb
As a variant of the wall climb, a corner climb uses a corner to remove the same wall distance requirement which leads to a faster and easier climb.
The principal of a corner climb is the same as that of a wall climb, jumping while looking up. However, using a corner means you can largely stay in the same place. By alternately looking at the two intersecting walls while climbing you wallride off them alternately and remove the need to have a certain distance between your two jumps.
Pros and Cons
Corner climbs are inherently faster and easier than wall climbs. To achieve this, they lose the already lacking dodging capabilities of the wall climb, only changing your position vertically.
To fend of attackers while climbing you can perform a corner climb while looking away from the wall. This allows you to shoot at enemies while climbing but will slow down your climbing speed. This can only be done when “allow backwards wallriding” is turned on. You can also climb 270 degrees corners with some delicate positioning.