Bhop (animationless)

An animationless b-hop looks almost the same as a normal b-hop, but it works significantly different. It conforms more to the definition of a b-hop like you know them from other games, losing you no speed. You might already know this tech from the b-hop rein shatter, of any of the b-hop techs in doom parkour.


To be able to perform this kind of b-hop you need to do a setup beforehand. This setup is pretty easy, as all it involves is walking off a ledge without jumping. After the setup you can then hold jump when you're about to hit the ground to perform a b-hop that will not count as you actually touching the ground as far as Overwatch is concerned, therefore preserving your whole speed.

This tech technically works for all characters but is only viable for a few of them. Dropping off the ledge will buffer one b-hop that you can use. Touching the ground will take away that free b-hop. This inversely means that you can wallride around after dropping off the ledge and perform the b-hop at the first point in time you're about to hit the ground. Bc Overwatch stores your jump you do not have to time it at all, as long as your jump button is pressed when theoretically hitting the ground the b-hop will be performed.

Pros and Cons

As you can see, animationless b-hops are preferable over normal b-hops since they don't lose speed, don't count as touching the ground, making them the only viable b-hop for Lucio Surf, and require no timing. On the other hand, they do require a setup and can only be performed once, making them hardly viable in an actual quickplay of comp game.


Animationless b-hops are something you might use in your fancy rollout you post for reddit karma instead of a normal b-hop bc, like their name implies, they do not have the landing animation of Lucio, making them look cleaner.
