One Tick
Oneticks are the last major tech you'll most likely use in your normal games. They are an excellent alternative to b-hops providing the same value but at a wall, meaning they're best used when you find yourself high up in the air and need some extra distance to your next jump spot.
To perform a onetick all you have to do is hold a wallride for a single frame. This is basically the same as a skim, but with the 2nd part cut out.
Omitting the wall jump leads to you only executing a wallride, meaning you will not gain any speed but instead lose a small amount. This is the intended outcome for a reason: You want to do a jump soon after your onetick. Bc of the relative loss of speed compared to a skim you take more time to cover the same distance, meaning you can stretch out the wallride cooldown and get a skim at a closer point than would be possible if you skimmed instead of oneticked. The omitted jump also leads to you dropping further down than with a skim, meaning you can reach points between the drop off of a lateskim at the previous jump and a skim at your current one.
Pros and Cons
As you can see, oneticks have roughly the same advantages and disadvantages as bhops. They allow you to get to jumps that you couldn't position for with only skims and lateskims but trade the speed gain of normal jumps for it. Bc of the speed loss oneticks should only be used when lateskims can't get you to the same spot.
Some people like to do oneticks with a single scroll tick of you mouse wheel. Try if you're comfortable with that, it takes away the one tick timing requirement.